
Showing posts from April, 2017
Shyamal Bhattacharya, born in Agartala (1964), holds a graduate degree in Library Science, Masters degrees in Hindi and Public Administration and a Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism. Besides Bengali he knows Hindi, English, Punjabi, Dogri and Rajasthani. He started his career with Indian Air Force as Aircraft Controller (1981- 2001) and later served the ICFAI University as Academic Monitoring Coordinator (2004 – 2010) and Adamas Institute of Management for brief period. Thereafter he shouldered the responsibility of Assistant Editor in Sakalbela, a Bengali daily till April 2013. He is an eminent author of Bengali Literature and a linguist of repute. His early translations include the poetry of JugalParihar from Rajasthani into Bengali, short stories of Amrita Pritam, Kartar Singh Duggal, OmprakashGaso, RamsarupAnakhi and 42 others from Punjabi into Bengali and short stories of VedRahi from Dogri into Bengali. Some of his